Is the Times Square location still by the Marriott? What are my chances of getting Les Mis tickets for this Sat. matinee? What else would you recommend? Are the TKTS tickets the least expensive way to go or are they comparable to Theatermania or Broadwaybox also? THANKS A MILLION!
Tkts ?'s
Yes, it is.
I%26#39;d say a very good chance of finding tickets up on TKTS since last weekend was the holiday weekend.
The discounts I%26#39;ve seen were not valid for Saturdays or Sundays so TKTS is your only option if you want to see Les Miz.
Tkts ?'s
I%26#39;d say that tickets at TKTS are usually the least expensive option (you%26#39;ll also save a few dollars on service charges), but the other sources might come close and could (in theory at least) offer a better deal at times. Of course, with TKTS you have to take your chances on availability and seat selection, and you might have to wait in a pretty long line.
The last few times I passed by the lines were very short, it is not prime tourist season now, so you may get lucky.
The other option is to print out the discount offer and go right to the box office, if the discount is available for your particular show and time. This way you can pick your seat %26amp; use a credit card. Cash or travellers checks only at the TKTS booths.
Good luck.
I actually had a problem finding the TKTS booth at the Marriott !!! and believe it or not, a group of about 8 policemen couldn%26#39;t or wouldn%26#39;t help! ';It%26#39;s around here some place'; was all I got. Well, it%26#39;s on the 46 st. side of the hotel just west of the driveway. There was no line when I went at around 1pm last Wed.
Your other option is to go to the South Street Seaport TKTS booth on FRIDAY where you can buy matinee tix for Sat. ;)
Good chance for Les Miz.
You need cash or traveler%26#39;s cheques for the TKTS booth and you save fees vs. buying in advance on the web.
The downtown booth has matinee tickets the day before the performance, so I%26#39;d try there on Friday for the sat matinee.
www.tdf,org for more info including what was up last week.
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