coming in for a weekend in april. we%26#39;d like to take the subway all over - or at least from central park down to battery park :o)
we%26#39;re gonna do the obvious stuff; times sqaure, empire state, the village, ground zero.
i%26#39;m having trouble deciding where to stay as a base for our adventures.
uptown, midtown, the village? where%26#39;s best for a trip like ours?
2 nite trip for newbs: which neighborhood as base?
It does not really matter,if you stay uptown, you will travel downtown to GZ %26amp; the Village, if you stay downtown you will travel uptown to Times Square, ESB, etc. Public transportation in NYC is great and the best bargain in town.
So, stay where you get the best rates and the most bang for your buck in a good hotel.
2 nite trip for newbs: which neighborhood as base?
thanks nycgirl, you sure are an expert.
anyone else have an opinion?
We were in NYC for the first time back in June and will be returning in April (be prepared to fall in love with a whole city!) and it%26#39;s super easy to get anywhere. Between walking and the subway, you%26#39;ll be fine no matter what area you stay in.
We stayed and will be staying at the Affinia Dumont in Murray Hill. We really liked the area because it%26#39;s somewhat residential and we felt more like we were living there then just on vacation. The Upper West Side is also a lovely neighborhood with some very nice hotels. A lot of people like to stay in or close to Time Square. That was our least favorite area of the city because it was jam packed with tourists.
Have a wonderful trip!
I agree with not staying in the times Square are. Although it is nice you can find good hotels in nice NYC neighborhoods. We stay at the Milburn Hotel ( on the Upper West side. It is convenient to a subway station and in a great neighborhood. They have all suites with kitchen facilities (studio if there is just two of you) and they are not too expensive. We usually get food for breakfast at the fantastic Fairway market just a block or so away. It is also only a couple of (long) blocks from Central Park.
There are many other nice hotels in good neighborhoods recommended on this site if you look at the old posts. When it comes down to it any of the recommended hotels will be fine.
thanks everyone!
i try and be good about not asking stupid questions.
i%26#39;ve been to nyc a few times, and i%26#39;ve been reading the archives and reviews here for days. it%26#39;s just such a big city, and so many neighborhoods...let alone hotels. i still feel like a newb.
any help is good help:)
NYCgirl%26#39;s initial advice was good -- Manhattan is not that big, and transportation is easy. Choose hotels based on value. Now, if you come up with two or three hotesl that seem equal in value to you, but one is on the upper west side, and one is at Times Square, and one is in Murray Hill -- come back and ask a more specific question; I think you will get better advice then.
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