Hi all,
Arriving late Wed. night ( have tiks to Live on Thursday)...just wandering what everyone wears? The only mention on my tiks and the website..is to dress warm due to air cond. Are jeans permissable?
Thanks in advance.
Dress code for Live w/ Regis and Kelly
dress code, really what dress code at that show everyone wears something different really, not dressed up for most people when they go to that show/ depends on where you will be sitting on how cold you will actually feel middle is probably a bit warmer than the sides, from what i have notice, i almost always sit middle
Lots of people wear jeans to Live
Dress code for Live w/ Regis and Kelly
So glad you asked this; that%26#39;s what I came on the forum to find out! How long did it take you to get tickets? I just sent in a request for March, but it%26#39;s very last minute so I requested tickets for August as my back up choices. Please let me know how all goes! How early do you have to get there? Hope you have lots of fun, can%26#39;t wait to go, myself.
I am also wanting to go to LIVE, but in June. Did you all send in a written request or fill out the on-line request? I tried the on-line request several times, but kept getting an error message. I would love to get tickets!!
missmisery and nicby,
I requested tickets back in August and requested a date in October....my trip in October came and went and didn%26#39;t hear a thing. Last week I open my mailbox..and there are the tiks for January 25th! I requested through snail mail...not online. I guess they were full for October, and being busy I%26#39;m sure, don%26#39;t let you know that. I scrambled to get a one night trip together to make it to this show. Going up late Wed. night, sleeping about 4 hours, and going to get in line at about 6:30....the letter you get (which serves as your tiks) says check in is at 7:45am...HOWEVER I was told by numerous people that the sooner you get there...the better the chance of actually getting in ( ';ticket distribution is at times in excess of studio capacity';) and better choice of seats. So....off I am to freeze my butt off just to see Reeg and Kelly. Good luck with your tickets requests...and I will post back about my trip!
I have no idea if its the same for Regis %26amp; Kelly, but years ago I attended a taping of Montel Williams%26#39; show and they selected people in more brightly colored clothing to sit further forward where they would be seen when the camera pans the crowd. The last thing they wanted was a sea of black-clad NYers... We ended up in the back...
so, if you want more of a chance of showing up on camera, wear something bright.
nope at live its first come first seated besides the vips, after they are seated at least the last time i was there in dec they let u choose your seats as you enter the show studio
Well, that%26#39;s certainly a very fair thing for them to do, ricki. If only all shows were like that! Years ago, I went to a taping of the Charlie Rose Show when it was done in DC. We were all told where to sit. The best dressed people--and the best looking and youngest adults--got the best seats.
It was the same at the View, SueFee. I ended up way over in the last seat way over on the side. Guess I should have worn bright red and dyed my hair so I%26#39;d look younger!
LOL, NYCforme! Had we known at the time! We ended up in the next to the last row. Hmmm--should have worn my fanciest outfit and put on more makeup...
lol I always get a good seat at any of the shows :) been to many all over the world
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